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Congratulations on your pregnancy and welcome to the full-service doula experience provided by Arnetta Ford.  

If there is one thing Arnetta knows about pregnancy, labor, birth and the postpartum period it’s that the two key elements that generate the most positive experiences are serenity and synergy. Her 20 plus years of experience have proven it time and time again!

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Birth doesn’t have to be terrifying. Birth doesn’t have to be an experience we simply “get through”. Early parenting doesn’t have to be engulfed in exhaustion, emotional overload and mental overwhelm. Labor, birth and the newborn phase can be empowering, romantic, energizing and self-actualizing.


The quality of being calm and peaceful


The increased effectiveness of two or more people working together

Birth and early parenting don’t have to happen in a bubble. You don’t have to do it alone. In fact, traditionally, birthing individuals were surrounded by those who had given birth before. Those people showed them the way; they normalized the process by meeting them where they were and synergistically moving them forward.

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Arnetta aptly named her doula business “Serene Synergistic” because of the powerful impact doula support makes on birthing individuals.

What are the benefits of working with a professional doula?

Your chance of a cesarean birth decreases dramatically

Your labor time can decrease by as much as 25%

You are more likely to give birth without medication for pain IF that’s your goal

You’re less likely to require the use of synthetic oxytocin

Arnetta’s clients have more satisfying births and early parenting experiences and she couldn’t be prouder! Contributing to the support of others by maintaining a calm birth environment and synchronizing to the flow of her client’s energy is exactly what Arnetta was made to do.

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